
Visitors are welcome!

Club members can invite people to play at the club, it’s a great way of encouraging friends and family to come along without commitment, and great if they end up joining.  They can play up to three times a year, but only with a Member. The fee is £4 for Adults and £2 for Juniors – per session. Please sign-in your guests in the Visitors Book in the clubhouse – if you don’t fill it in your visitors will not be covered by any insurance. Please make sure they are wearing proper non-marking tennis shoes and appropriate tennis clothing. Members are responsible for collecting Visitor fees and depositing in the box in the club house.

Visitors book

As we have had to clamp down on this recently – please feel free to challenge anyone who you are not sure is a member – and please don’t be offended if someone challenges you.

If your guest prefers – they can try out a club night/ morning or roll-up on a FREE trial basis – up to three times before they should apply to join.